10 Latest Mobile Trends to Watch Out For in 2022

January 27,2022
10 Latest Mobile Trends to Watch Out For in 2022
by Ishaan Seth November 12, 2020
The involvement of technology in our lives have gone beyond the mere use of smartphones. With every passing year, technology evolves whether it is in our way of communicating with each other and with the world, how we market, sell, and buy products and services, or how we produce content, art, and any consumable material.
What this means is that competition in the mobile and tech industry will be tougher compared to before. This is where keeping an eye on the next decade technology trends in mobile marketing will come in handy.
What this means is that competition in the mobile and tech industry will be tougher compared to before. This is where keeping an eye on the next decade technology trends in mobile marketing will come in handy.

10 Upcoming Trends in Mobile Marketing to Watch Out For
Although the number of mobile phones sold in the United States is expected to drop, its usage will still continue to grow. What this upward trend indicates is that mobile phone marketers are going to come up with ways on how to keep their services and products visible to these mobile users. That said, it is possible that we will be seeing these top 10 technologies in 2022 being utilised more.
1. 5G.
5G is believed to open more doors for businesses that are going online since this technology guarantees more bandwidth for its users. Additionally, 5G makes it easier to stream HD and even download HD videos which can be useful for companies who want to build better ads. We are seeing smartphones that are 5G already with many flagships already running in the 5G network. Although the 5G tech is yet to be rolled out in many countries, we can expect that once this network is up and running, people will be experiencing better smartphone usage since everything works fast and smoothly too. Get some information about what is 5g technology its features and benefits.
10 Latest Mobile Trends to Watch Out For in 2022

2. Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things refers to smart devices, and smart objects in general, that are connected through the internet. To get the idea of IoT, Think about how your smart car can be connected to your smartphone and smartwatch, or how you can control the security camera at home through your phone.
In a nutshell, IoT is the huge network or environment that is shared by all of your connected devices and objects allowing these objects to communicate with each other and share the same data. The IoT is achieved using sensors that are placed in every single device that is part of that network or environment. Whether you’re thinking about your mobile phone, a home appliance, a car, it all has these sensors to communicate with each other.
The way these devices communicate is by emitting data all the time to a shared cloud where the rest of the devices access this cloud and get the shared data.
The concept of IoT has been changing the way our world operates and it has been developing for years. However, it is expected that the market of IoT is going to really boom in 2022.
In a nutshell, IoT is the huge network or environment that is shared by all of your connected devices and objects allowing these objects to communicate with each other and share the same data. The IoT is achieved using sensors that are placed in every single device that is part of that network or environment. Whether you’re thinking about your mobile phone, a home appliance, a car, it all has these sensors to communicate with each other.
The way these devices communicate is by emitting data all the time to a shared cloud where the rest of the devices access this cloud and get the shared data.
The concept of IoT has been changing the way our world operates and it has been developing for years. However, it is expected that the market of IoT is going to really boom in 2022.
3. Machine Learning & Predictive Analysis
We’re expecting the year 2022 to witness another leap in machine learning and AI especially in mobile phone and social media algorithms. This leap is going to greatly improve functions that we now use on a daily basis such as voice recognition, GPS and navigation, and NLP or language processing.
AI is also going to contribute to improving security as learning the users behaviours will make it easier for machines, apps, and algorithms to detect suspicious behaviour that might be fraud.
AI is also going to contribute to improving security as learning the users behaviours will make it easier for machines, apps, and algorithms to detect suspicious behaviour that might be fraud.
4. Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)
Virtual Reality headsets are quite in demand these days as consumers want to get an immersive experience while they are stuck at home. Businesses can utilise this by creating VRs of their stores to help customers feel as if they are shopping on site. Augmented reality headsets, on the other hand, are crucial for companies who want to give their customers more control over their purchases by being able to try out their products. Just imagine being able to try out a sofa or paint in AR to see whether it will be compatible with your home without actually leaving.
5. Local Targeted Marketing
Local target marketing ads in mobile phones are going to be big in 2022 as businesses will be shifting their products online where most of their customers are found. Think of this as an optimization method where it is combined with a location tool to help companies target specific customers that they think will be interested in their products and services. Some marketing specialists are also integrating voice searches in their local target marketing strategy since smartphone users are more likely to do voice searches when in need of something online. Focusing on local customers through this type of marketing strategy is a smart move given that people are often glued to their devices all the time.
6. Mobile Ads will be on the Rise
Companies are sure to be pouring their money into developing mobile ads to attract customers. This is a smart move given that shoppers are relying on their smartphones and tablets more these days. However, it will be difficult to break through here as the market will be quite saturated with ads in different niches. It would be a mistake to think that SEOs for both computers and mobile phones will be the same. This is not always so as the top search words are sure to be different based on the platform used.
7. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Progressive web apps are applications that exist and live on the internet, but acts and functions just like a native application. The main benefit from these apps is that they make you rely less on having an internet connection up and running 24/7.
PWA are becoming more and more important on mobile phones, however, what we’re expecting to see in terms of mobile trends in 2022 is seeing this mobile tech move to desktops as well.
PWA are becoming more and more important on mobile phones, however, what we’re expecting to see in terms of mobile trends in 2022 is seeing this mobile tech move to desktops as well.
8. Blockchain Smartphones
Blockchain devices are among the future trends that we will see in the mobile industry. Also referred to as distributed-apps, these may look like the applications that we download on our devices. The only difference is that they use P2P networks rather than servers from big companies. It is still early to tell in what way this technology can be of use. However, it does sound promising since it offers more security and gives control of assets and information to consumers making it difficult for them to be reached by mobile advertisements. This is something that companies might want to look into.
9. Commerce in Social Media
What other next decade technology trends will we see? Since there is a shift in where consumers do their shopping, it is guaranteed that social media platforms will become e-commerce sites for companies and consumers alike. Social media sites are being utilised nowadays by businesses that want to increase their sales. And what better way to do that than putting their ads where they will be seen the most and that is on social media platforms? Companies that are just starting out will need to learn this trade as soon as possible to be able to keep up with their competitors. It cannot be denied that social media sites will be playing a crucial role in today’s business environment thus learning how to utilise them is highly useful.
10. Video Marketing
The rise of the 5G network across the globe is sure to play a part in how companies will be advertising themselves in the next few years through video marketing. We have seen a rise in video ads on social media platforms which make them accessible to everyone who has a phone on their hands. Studies show that consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they are presented with a video ad rather than reading texts. We can expect that these video marketing tools will make these advertisements more interactive as it should be if you want to make a lasting impression with your target audience.
How to Make the Most Out of These Future Trends in Mobile Marketing
There are some mobile trends that are for specific niches only while some can affect the current market industry. There have been those who started to utilise mobile phones as part of their marketing strategies and sooner or later others will follow suit. However, not everyone has the sixth sense when it comes to utilising online platforms to their benefit hence it is best that you be aware of the ongoing trends in the mobile phone industry.
If this is your first time to encounter a problem in your business, take a look at these trends and see if there are any that will disrupt your business. You can check how your competition is faring under these up and coming trends to get a feel for it. You don’t want to end up getting outmanoeuvred by others because you don’t know how to keep an eye on what is trending lately.
Any business owner should know how to go with the flow when it comes to their company. You will need to be able to be flexible with running your business, especially in these times. You can find refurbished phone deals to add value to your business at the lowest cost right here. There is no doubt that the future trends mentioned above are going to be talked about in the years to come and what better way to be ahead of the game than to know more about them?
If this is your first time to encounter a problem in your business, take a look at these trends and see if there are any that will disrupt your business. You can check how your competition is faring under these up and coming trends to get a feel for it. You don’t want to end up getting outmanoeuvred by others because you don’t know how to keep an eye on what is trending lately.
Any business owner should know how to go with the flow when it comes to their company. You will need to be able to be flexible with running your business, especially in these times. You can find refurbished phone deals to add value to your business at the lowest cost right here. There is no doubt that the future trends mentioned above are going to be talked about in the years to come and what better way to be ahead of the game than to know more about them?