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Frequently asked questions
All our products come with 1-year warranty from date of purchase. The warranty includes all manufacturing defects and excludes the following; accidental damage, water damage and / or third party repairs without prior approval by us.
You have 30-Day Money Back Guarantee to return any goods purchased from our site. No questions asked, providing the product is in the same condition and in it’s original packaging.
Our standard free delivery is next working day however certain items may take longer and this would be shown at time of checkout. Regular updates regarding your delivery will be provided and our team is here for when you need them.
Working Days: Monday to Friday (Excluding any holidays)
We use industry leading software to test all our devices for optimal battery health. Each battery will have minimum of 80% capacity relative to new (in non technical terms the battery is in great condition). For further piece of mind your 1-year warranty covers battery replacements for free in the rare instance you feel the battery is not performing as it should be.
Yes. All our devices are factory unlocked and work with all network providers.
Accessories included will match what comes with a brand-new device.
Yes. Each device goes through stringent refurbishment and quality check process to make sure that you cannot distinguish the refurbished device from a new device. Be assured, it would be a perfect gift for anyone and any occasion.
In simpler terms the term ‘refurbished phone’ means it’s a pre-owned handset that has been cleaned, tested and repaired to ensure it is in full working order ready for re-sell.
If you compare our price with some of our competitors you may find the same phone at a cheaper price. However, this is for a device that shows signs of heavy usage, which will most likely have some form of visible dents, scratches and scuffs. We are on a mission to offer you just like new environmentally friendly phones at low prices.

Refurbished iPhone 8 & Unlocked - Free Accessories
If you want to have the ultimate iPhone that will give you maximum value in exchange for your money, the iPhone 8 is your winning bet! Although it has been followed by several other iPhones that offer additional features and different designs, this model of iPhone, compared to the prices of the more advanced iPhones, is the best option. To get an even better bargain on the iPhone 8, buy it refurbished and unlocked with QwikFone's guarantees of quality. Check out the deals' details right here.
Pristine device
Afteroperating in the mobile repair market for more than 10 years, theQwikFone team is now known as the smartphone wizards due to our abilityto restore any phone to its pristine condition. Our experience allows usto get the best OEM and Grade A parts for our reconditioned iPhone 8devices. Combined with our specialists' skills, you can be 100% surethat you're getting the best iPhone 8 refurbished at the lowest cost.
Unlocked handset
Asmobile experts, we came to realize that the most common problems userstend to have with refurbished phones and mobile phones in general. Oneof biggest issues users usually have with iPhones is that they arelocked by default. This is why when you buy the refurbished iPhone 8 youenjoy using an unlocked device that enables you to use any carrier'sSIM card in it with no technical blockages or problems.
Free accessories
Weknow that buying a refurbished phone comes with the concern andquestion of how to get a quality charger and earphones for it. When itcomes to iPhones, this becomes an even bigger issue. QwikFone solvesthis problem for you once and for all with a free set of new accessoriesthat has QwikFone's branding and warranty as well as a quality levelsimilar to Apple's accessories.
Therefurbished iPhone 8 warranty covers the handset and the set ofaccessories so that you don't have to pay for anything during the firstyear. This warranty ensures a free repair for any manufacturing orrefurbishing issues in the phone and free replacements for theaccessories that have manufacturing issues as well.
WhileQwikFone's warranty policy covers only manufacturing-caused problems inthe iPhone, our paid repair service is also available for any issuesthat are caused due to misuse or accidental damages in the iPhone.
Pleasenote that opening or repairing the iPhone by any party other thanQwikFone's certified professionals during the warranty period violatesour warranty policy terms and will evoke the free repairs later on.
Refunds guaranteed
Unlikemost other refurbished iPhones deals in the market, QwikFone's deal onthe refurbished iPhone 8 enables the customer to get a full refundwithin 30 days from their order date in the case of returning the order.
Thereturn policy which includes this refund details states that the iPhonedevice must be kept in its pristine condition and the accessory setmust be complete and brand-new for the return request to be validatedand accepted by QwikFone. After receiving and revising the returnedorder content to ensure the required condition, the QwikFone team willissue a refund to the same payment method that the customer used to payfor the order.
Payment methods
QwikFoneaccepts all the traditional payment methods that are used for onlinepurchases such as bank transfers and credit cards. Also, to make thepurchase decision & process easier for our customers, we also acceptPayPal Credit and Klarna.
There are special benefits from usingPayPal Credit and Klarna as both methods will first pay for your orderin full directly to QwikFone and then collect the price paid for theorder from your account over 3 instalments.
This gives our customersthe opportunity to pay monthly payments for a refurbished unlockediPhone 8 instead of having to wait until the full amount required issaved up to make the purchase.
Since both Klarna & PayPalCredit offer the instalment plans free of interest, there is noadditional cost to pay if you choose to go with this option.
iPhone 8 design
Thedesign of the iPhone 8 caused huge controversy as it came out quitesimilar to iPhone 7s and has a little larger body that the iPhone 7.Although users who wanted a new revolutionary design were not happy withthat, the design of the iPhone 8 as a flagship gave it its own categorymaking it difficult for Android flagship phones to compete without thecompact screen of the iPhone 8.
As users have passed the idea ofhaving to have a flagship with a huge size, the iPhone 8 design turnedout to be great. Everything part of the screen is easily accessible andit is super easy to use the device with one hand!
iPhone 8 screen and display
Onceagain with the same feature as iPhone 7, the iPhone 8 has a 4.7-inchRetina display. However, the iPhone 8 screen is supported with the TrueTone feature which gives it an improved color range, contrast, andsaturation that makes it like an entirely new screen that Apple inventedjust for this phone!
iPhone 8 camera performance
Anotherpart of the iPhone 8 that, on paper, would mislead you into thinkingthat it is the same one in the iPhone7. Once again, Apple's subtleupgrades amp up the performance of the 12MP camera to enable it to film4K videos at 60fps and slow-motion videos at 240fps!
Theconclusion that our mobile experts have come to with the iPhone 8 isthat it might not look all that different from iPhone 7, but Apple hasdone some serious upgrades that will make you want to have that phoneimmediately!
So, if you need a recommendation of which iPhone 8 to buy, you would be most satisfied with either:
The iPhone 8 256GB Space Grey
The iPhone 8 256GB Gold
Comparedto its cost when it was first released, the refurbished iPhone 8 issuper affordable as it ranges from £235 to £290 depending on what memorysize you are choosing. The refurbished iPhone 8 is available fromQwikFone at 256GB and 64GB internal storage space options. Either oneperforms just like the new iPhone 8 despite the price difference.
Is the cheap iPhone 8 still a good phone?
TheiPhone 8 is one of the best iPhones that offer great value whencompared to the prices. In terms of performance, the iPhone 8 has one ofApple's superior chips, the A11 Bionic paired with a Hexa-coreprocessor and powered by a 2GB RAM. The iPhone 8 runs iOS 11 and onceyou boot it up, you can receive Apple's updates to run the latestversion of iOS 13, the same version that is running on the iPhone 11.
Asfor the design, the iPhone 8 has the benefits of both the traditionalApple design that gives you the popular home button that has thebuilt-in fingerprint scanner and the larger screen with the size of4.7-inch.
Does Apple stores sell refurbished iPhone 8?
TheiPhone 8 is not available in the refurbished state at Apple stores.However, you can buy a refurbished iPhone 8 pristine at QwikFone andenjoy the 12-month warranty that supports the quality and condition ofthe reconditioned iPhone 8 for the first year after the purchase.Moreover, you can return the refurbished iPhone 8 to QwikFone and get arefund with all of the payment for the phone's price within 14-days.QwikFone's return policy does not require any certain reason for thereturn request to be valid. So, whether you didn't like the device orjust changed your mind about buying an iPhone 8, we will always be happyto receive our device and refund your payment.
Is it good to buy the refurbished iPhone 8 from Amazon?
Whilehaving multiple different options of refurbished iPhone 8 sellers onAmazon, there are a few issues that will arise when you take a deeperlook into those options. Those issues can be summed up in the fact thatit is difficult to find a refurbished iPhone 8 deal on Amazon thatoffers a pristine device that is unlocked at the same time whileproviding a 12-month warranty and a 14-day return policy with a fullrefund guarantee.
All of these amazing terms and conditions canbe found combined in the QwikFone deals for the iPhone 8 reconditioneddevices in the UK. Also, it is not common for refurbished iPhoen 8devices to come with accessories. QwikFone dedicates a set or brand-newaccessories to each iPhone 8 refurbished device included in the listedprice with no extra expenses or payments. Finally, with QwikFone, youcan pay using PayPal credit and then pay that amount over the course of afew months; unlike other refurbished phones deals that require thecustomer to have the phone's price upfront.
Is iPhone 7 or 8 better?
TheiPhone 8 is superior to the iPhone 7 in many ways, not just the factthat the iPhone 8 is released more recently than the iPhone 7. Forexample, the iPhone 8 is the first iPhone to have a glass back whichmeans that it has wireless charging while the iPhpne 7 doesn't. Theappearance of the iPhone 8 is far more luxurious and special compared tothe iPhone 7 which looks exactly like the iPhone 6. In terms of thegeneral design language, the iPhone 8 still has the beloved home buttonthat many Apple iPhone users prefer; it is the material that has changedbringing the nice shiny look of the glass to the iPhone 8 compared toits predecessors.
More importantly, the iPhone 8 has a betterplatform when compared to the iPhone 7 as it has the Apple A11 Bionicchipset and Hexa-core processor. This enables the iPhone 8 to provide amuch faster and smoother performance than the iPhone 7.
What is the best way to buy a refurbished iPhone 8?
Thebest way to buy a refurbished iPhone is to order it online from thecomfort and safety of your home. QwikFone is offering all the assurancesout customers may need to guarantee the quality of the phone'scondition as well as their ability to get their money back. Our one-yearwarranty ensures that the phone will work as good as new or we repairit or even replace it if our repair professionals see a replacement isin order.
As for wanting to return the refurbished iPhone 8,QwikFone does not require any specific reason for returning requests andwe offer a full refund for all returns.
Does refurbished iPhone 8 have new battery?
Dependingon the condition of the original battery of the iPhone 8, if it is inpristine condition and can retain 80%-90% of its capacity, then theiPhone 8 will have this battery. If, however, the battery was used in away that makes it not meet the pristine requirements, then, QwikFoneexperts replace the battery with a refurbished OEM iPhone 8 battery. Thereason for using refurbished OEM battery is to guarantee theperformance of the original battery without raising the cost, and theprice, of the refurbished iPhone 8.
Is iPhone 8 better than 6s?
Absolutely!the iPhone 8 has a better processor, a larger battery, a Retina displaywhich is better than the IPS LCD in the iPhone 6s, and a 256GB memoryoption. Moreover, the iPhone 8 has a more elegant appearance than theiPhons 6s thanks to the glass back that allows the battery to bewireless charged.
Does Apple still sell iPhone 8?
TheiPhone 8 is still sold by Apple in the renewed state. However, you canget it for almost half of the price at QwikFone in a pristine conditionand with a 1-year warranty and a 14-day return policy just like anyother certified iPhone, but with a massive price discount!
TheQwikFone device also comes with all of its accessories brand-new andguaranteed by the warranty of our company. Finally, if you choose to paywith PayPal credit, you will be able to pay this credit off in monthlyinstallments.
Should I buy an iPhone 8 or 8 Plus?
Anycomparison between the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus would end up infavor of the iPhone8. There are many reasons for this. First, there is aconsiderable price difference. So, if you want to save money, theiPhone 8 is the better option. Secondly, when it comes to the mostessential specs, which are the processor, GPU and iOS version, they areall the same in both phones. So, you will save the price difference andget the same performance with the iPhone 8.
How long until the iPhone 8 is obsolete?
TheiPhone 8 was released in the second half of 2017 and, since Appleusually continue to support its iPhones with security and softwareupdates for 5+ years after their release, it is expected that the iPhone8 is going to be supported by Apple for more 2+ years. That is for theiOS updates; as for the iPhone 8 itself as a device, it has some ofApple's best technologies and most premium specs. So, it is expected tolast for much longer than that.
To sum up, it is going to take many years before the iPhone 8 is called obsolete.
Should I get iPhone 8 or iPhone XR?
Thereare major differences between the iPhone 8 & the iPhone XR.Starting with the fact that iPhone 8 is a flagship while iPhone XR isnot. The other big difference between the two iPhones resides in thedesign as the iPhone 8 has a home button, and therefor a fingerprint ID,while the iPhone XR does not have the button and depends on Face ID tounlock your phone. With a face mask, it would be impossible to unlockthe iPhone XR in public!
While the iPhone XR is more recent thanthe iPhone 8, it is safe to say that the iPhone 8 offers greater valuethan the iPhone XR when prices and features are compared. Performanceabove all, the iPhone 8 wins this comparison!
Is the iPhone 8 worth buying?
iPhone 8 is one of the best iPhones of all time and it is absolutely worth buying!
iPhone8 offers awesome features and the highest value compared to the priceof all iPhones. Although it does not have the "all-screen" design of themost recent iPhones, the iPhone 8 has a powerful processor, greatcamera, and lovely color variants as well as some of the most belovedApple iPhone traditional features that are missing from the most recentiPhones such as the home button with the built-in fingerprint scanner,3D Touch, and the 3.5mm headphone jack.
Is iPhone 8 still a good phone in 2020?
Ifyou are looking for an iPhone that has the sturdiness of the olderiPhones and the powerful specs and impressive features of the neweriPhones, iPhone 8 is the one to go for. It is one of the best iPhones toget in 2020 and even after that. The iPhone 8 is still supported byApple and will continue to be so for the next few years. Also, theprocessor and general specs enable it to work beautifully with thelatest iOS versions as soon as they're released by Apple.
What is a renewed iPhone 8?
RenewediPhone 8 is a pristine iPhone that was previously owned and re-sold.This iPhone goes through a testing and renewal process that replaces anyworn or defective parts with other OEM and grade-A spare parts torestore its new condition in the way it looks and the way it performs.
Therenewed iPhone 8 from QwikFone has a 12-month warranty to guarantee itsperformance over the first year to ensure that it is as good as new inevery way.
What can the iPhone 8 do that the 7 can't?
Althoughthose two iPhones may look identical, there are major differences asthe iPhone 8 offers a better performance, battery life, and chargingcapabilities thanks to the Apple A11 Bionic chipset that boosts theperformance by 50% compared to iPhone 7. This affects everything fromlaunching apps and playing heavy-duty games to fast charging.
Thedifferences between iPhone 8 and iPhone 7 need a very close look tospot them in the design, however, you will be able to see and sense themvery clearly in the performance when you are using iPhone 8.
Is the iPhone 8 the best phone?
Itwouldn't be fair or reasonable to say that any phone is "the best" asthis call is highly subjective and depends on the personal preference ofeach individual. However, we can safely say that iPhone 8 offers thebest and most value in exchange of its price. So, in a way, yes, iPhone 8is the best phone in its price range!
Does iPhone 8 need screen protector?
TheiPhone 8 has a layer of Gorilla Glass to protect the front as well asthe back of the device. It is well-known that Gorilla Glass ischemically processed to be strengthened and provide a layer ofprotection for iPhones and other smartphones.
However, iPhone 8users should not risk their devices. So, it is highly recommended to getyour iPhone 8 a screen protector even though it does not need one as anecessity.
Can iPhone 8 take pictures underwater?
No,the iPhone 8 is not waterproof and, therefore, it cannot be submergedunder water. Any attempt to take pictures with the refurbished iPhone 8under water will result in the iPhone being damaged and the QwikFonewarranty being voided as our 12-month warranty does not cover waterdamages or accidental damages.
Is the iPhone 8 waterproof or water resistant?
TheiPhone 8 is water resistant, but not waterproof. This means that Appledid not build this iPhone to be used for under water photography or tobe submerged in any way. However, the iPhone 8 can survive beingsplashed with a few drops of water as long as the liquid did not get tothe internal parts of the phone.
How can you tell if iPhone 8 has water damage?
There is a key indicator that can tell you is your iPhone 8 is water damaged which is your SIM slot.
Tocheck your iPhone for water damage, remove the SIM tray of your iPhoneusing the SIM ejector tool provided by QwikFone. Look at the SIM cardslot in the SIM tray, it is recommended, at this point, to use a flashlight from another phone and a magnifying glass to inspect the iPhoneclosely. If there is a red color inside the empty SIM slot of youriPhone, this indicates water damage.
Does the refurbished iPhone 8 have a headphone jack?
No,just like its predecessor, the iPhone 7, iPhone 8 does not have aheadphone jack. However, you can use the traditional 3.5mm headphoneswith the iPhone 8 with the help of the little dongle provided by Apple.
Is it worth buying a cheap iPhone 8 in 2021?
First, you must make sure of the reason why this iPhone is cheap and that there are no flaws or severe issues with the device.
AtQwikFone, the cheap iPhone 8 devices are tested by experts to make surethat the phones are as good as new. So, in this case, it is absolutelyworth it to buy a cheap iPhone 8 especially that the device will have afull year warranty and a full refund in case of deciding to return theiPhone.
In terms of quality and condition, the cheap iPhone 8from QwikFone is guaranteed to work and look as good as new from everyaspect. It also runs iOS 14, which is Apple's most recent update on theiOS which means that the iPhone 8 is perfect to purchase in 2021.
So, order it, try it, and if you don't like it, get your money back!
Should I purchase the cheap iPhone 8 or pay it in installments on my carrier?
Thegreat news is that you can buy the cheap iPhone 8 AND pay ininstallment! At QwikFone, you can get a cheap iPhone 8 that is alsounlocked and can be used with any carrier you'd like, and pay usingKlarna of PayPal credit and then pay in 3 installments over 3 equalpayments without any added costs because both payment methods areinterest-free.
I have an iPhone 8 with 91% batteryhealth. Should I replace my battery? It’s a refurbished phone. Thebattery drains out quickly.
The battery health of 91%itself indicate that is is pristine. However, the fact that it drainstoo quickly indicate that something might be wrong with the batteryindeed. You can check with the seller of this iPhone if there is awarranty policy that would cover this problem and have it repaired forfree.
Is there any condition to charge iPhone 8 hours initially?
Notat all, the initial charge of the iPhone does not have to have a fullycharged battery. While it would be better to have a 100% chargedbattery, leaving your iPhone in the charger for 8 hours can actually beharmful for the Li-ion battery. So, you should keep an eye on youriPhone and unplug the charger once it reaches or gets close to 100%charged.